We The People

We The People

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ignorance at Its Best
By Tammy Derouin

Images are powerful.  Once disturbing images get in your head, they’re there forever. Sometimes it can be difficult to recall someone’s exact words, but an image is seared into the deepest corners of your mind. I was still struggling with images of the most recent beheading of an American journalist when news of the second beheading was released.   My gut wrenching feeling quickly turned to anger.  My first thought was another American beheaded means another round of golf for the president.  How thoroughly our president has disgraced us.

My first thought should have been more along the lines of wondering when the second round of bombings would begin.  No, our president would never consider bombing or going to war with an enemy of the United States.  He’s already stated that we would never be at war with Islam.  He never said anything about Islam being at war with the United States, did he?

The president does not care about the well-being of Americans.  Well, not unless it can further his agenda, then he’ll pretend to care, but it’s not convincing.  His response to issues is based on the possible outcome at the polls.  He uses people and popular social issues to further his agenda.  Eventually, they too will be ignored.  Obama and his regime prey upon those who follow blindly and have bought into the propaganda that America oppresses people so therefore they are entitled to everything. 

A picture of a man in Ferguson, MO is circulating online.  He is wearing a black T-shirt which bears an eerie resemblance to the ISIS flag.  His T-shirt states that he would rather be picked up by ISIS than the Ferguson Police Department.  Now there’s ignorance at its best.  This man was probably born in the U.S., which means he was born into freedom.  He is free to live and believe as he wishes, provided it doesn’t harm anyone.  He lives in a country which acknowledges God given rights as stated in the Bill of Rights.  He has a Constitution, which was drafted to protect the liberties of the people, while keeping the government small and under control.  He also has a Declaration of Independence signed by those who were willing to die for their belief that man is allowed, not by a government but by nature’s law, to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.   
If the Obama regime has truly convinced this man he would be better off with ISIS, I would have no problem seeing his desire come true.  Perhaps finding himself in a war torn country, where he’s at the mercy of the ruling henchmen, would open his eyes.  But then again, the way our president welcomes our enemies into our land, he may soon be able to discover true oppression without the protective cover of the Constitution in his own backyard.

ISIS cloaks its ideology by using religion as their shield.  They are militants who use religion to get away with murder.  The proof is in the inaction of our president.  Control is gained by creating fear and spreading hate.  They blame all their problems on the Jewish people, whom they have vowed to destroy; along with the United States.   Their religion is forced on everyone.  Religious police keep people in line.   If you do not share their belief and you’re not willing to convert, you lose your head.  If you’re gay, you are stoned.  If you’re a thief, you lose your hand.  If you are a woman, you are guilty of breathing; the punishment is stoning. 

ISIS is more than willing to post their butchery on line for the world to see.  If anyone thinks life in the United States is difficult or oppressive, I suggest looking into their atrocities.  I can think of several photos that may even convince the most liberal and politically correct among us to re-think the actions or lack thereof of our president.  Americans need to know the truth.  We need to be able to defend ourselves from the enemy which has been allowed into our homeland, courtesy of our president.  Americans need to see the true agenda of Barack Hussein Obama. 

Of all the horrible images available on line, the ones that are most disturbing are right here at home; images of our president pacifying and appeasing our enemy.  He enthusiastically bypasses Congress to force his will on America. He is diligent in his quest to destroy our Constitution, our freedoms and our way of life.  Most disturbing of all, is the amount of abuse Congress and the American people have already allowed him to get away with.  It makes me wonder what he will get away with tomorrow.

“I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.”

President Obama

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