We The People

We The People

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


By Tammy Derouin

Where were you when logic ceased to exist?  It’s been slipping away for many years but in the course of one week, major developments have sent it into an out of control tailspin. Does logic even have a place in today’s society?  The truth no longer matters.  Scientific, fact-based evidence has now been launched into the depths of an abyss.

There are pivotal moments; events which take place that are so shocking we forever remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news.  The Space Shuttle Challenger exploding shortly after takeoff was my first unbelievable moment.  President Reagan lifted the spirits of the American people.  He spoke of the heroes, the American dreamers who lost their lives, “…as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and "slipped the surly bonds of earth" to "touch the face of God."  The country was united.

I remember the moment I heard one of the Twin Towers had been struck by a plane.  Was it accidental or intentional?  When footage emerged of a plane taking aim as the first tower burned, it was no longer a question.  I watched, still doubting my eyes, as both towers eventually collapsed.  I remember listening to President Bush.  The country was united.

I remember the moment when the news was announced that a man, with a highly questionable past, became president of the United States.  I remembered many words and phrases which had been spoken by this man who would eventually crown himself king.  Feelings of apprehension, fear and dread were never put to rest.  The concern only deepened with each passing day.  Seeds of division, having slowly been planted, would be nurtured and carefully raised. The country was slowly dividing.

Our nation waited for the news and reactions in two very important decisions.  The first announcement would become a pivotal moment.  The action of our president, making him king, was a blatant disregard for the law of our land.  He acknowledged his actions during a speech a few days later. 

The reaction was a double slap on the face.  Reactions coming from some of those who should not have any rights in this country were that the illegal actions taken for their illegal actions weren’t enough.  The reaction which came from the one who committed the illegal action was that we, the legal citizens of this country, don’t have any right to determine who has rights.

The second announcement was the fate of Officer Darren Wilson. Far too many people feel scientific and fact based evidence is irrelevant.  Many have forgotten that a person is innocent until proven guilty.  Just because the outcome wasn’t what some felt it should be, doesn’t mean our system failed.  There wasn’t a smidgen of evidence to indicate Officer Wilson acted recklessly. There was however, evidence which didn’t look favorably on Michael Brown. The actions of Mr. Brown caused events to take place which ultimately led to his death.   It’s always a tragedy when there is loss of life.  It didn’t need to end this way.  Personal responsibility has all but disappeared from our society. 

The reaction by those who have an agenda to create a racial divide was to instill a feeling that people were intentionally wronged simply because of skin color.  In-sighting violence and encouraging riots only made a bad situation worse.  People of all races, all over the country, who are using Mr. Brown as a reason to wreak havoc nationwide, are being used. 

Obama, Holder, Sharpton and so many others have been attempting to racially divide our country for years.  The race baiting movement isn’t looking for peace.   They paint pictures of a Utopian world; a world they know doesn’t exist.  The dream is kept just beyond reach.  A co-dependency has been created.  Politicians, activists and agitators alike, have made careers out of making promises and telling lies.  The illusion they create allows them to stir up problems, problems they claim they will fix if elected.  When they need an extra boost, they go looking for a crisis.  The problem is they keep picking situations that don’t end with the scientific, fact-based evidence they need to support their cause.  This leads to changing the rules.  They heat things up to mold it closer to their heart’s desire.

Obama’s actions are intentionally causing divisions among Americans.  He will gladly sit down with America’s enemies but he refuses to sit down with those in Congress who hold a different opinion.  Obama doesn't care if he is called a liar. His actions are simply a means to an end. He uses people. The less informed they are, the more he exploits them.  We used to stand up to evil and destroy it. Now we allow it to destroy us.

“Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.”

Thomas Jefferson

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