We The People

We The People

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sea of Transparency

By Tammy Derouin

This past fall the American voters sent a message to the White House.  The policies of the administration were overwhelmingly rejected.  Many congressmen who supported the agenda of the Pres-a-king lost their seats.  New guardians were elected and this week they will be sworn into office.  Will they do what they were elected to do?  Will they put the brakes on the Executive Branch? 

Unfortunately, prior to the new deputies coming to town, the ruler threw a temper tantrum.  We knew this was going to happen.  He didn’t get what he wanted so the playpen was tossed about as rules were once again disregarded.  The behavior of a spoiled child is predictable.  But, so is the behavior of the worn down guardians.  Instead of rolling their shoulders back and standing tall, they collapsed. 

The reinforcements had been called in, and more importantly, they were on the way.  Relief was in sight. So what happened?  Did the stress of changing one too many dirty diapers finally take its toll?  

Had there been too much debris flung at them?  Perhaps they were tired of being blamed for all the problems while being ignored for the solutions.  Whatever the reasons may be, the elected nannies of our self-inflicted nanny state told the spoiled child that he was in charge.  Apparently they felt the need to make it even more obvious. The guardians became submissive and the tantrum throwing child became the master.

If you have been exposed to children’s entertainment, the above makes sense.  In today’s world, the children rule the household.  In many cases the parents don’t play an active role in the story.  Their role is minor and it’s usually not very flattering.  Remember when Al Gore made a comment about children knowing more than their parents?  Hollywood, much like the puppet press, has snapped to attention. 

We have created our very own reality series.  It’s ugly and very disturbing.  However, it’s not a show, it’s real life.  Different versions are available for your viewing pleasure.  If you want the truth, the real stuff, you will need to search a lot deeper.  Dredging through the murky Sea of Transparency can be enlightening.  However, if you prefer the sugar-coated version, which comes with complementary shadow figures, as well as reasons to mock those who choose to dredge the deep muddy waters, those outlets and programs are more readily available.

One of the wonderful blessings of living in the United States is freedom of speech.  Well, at least there was a time when it was a basic right.  You could think, live and believe as you wished.  You were protected from persecution.  Those who oppose the American way of life, at least up until recently, have hidden in the shadows as they pretend to care about our Constitution and our God given rights.

Of course, they don’t come right out and say they oppose freedom.  That would be a huge red flag.  Something that bold would be suicidal to their cause.  Instead, they opt to deceive the American people.  We have already witnessed the deceitful tactics that were put into place to push health care.

The American people were intentionally deceived by the administration. To add insult to injury, we were then called stupid for believing what we were repeatedly told wouldn’t happen.  With evidence mounting on the intentional deceit of the health care scheme, and with the IRS, Fast and Furious and Benghazi scandals still unfolding,  is it really so far-fetched to believe the administration wouldn’t be covering up so much more?

The policies of the liberal left are gradually enslaving the population.  They claim transparency but hide everything.  They claim they will guard and protect but they abandon and destroy. Individuals who hide their true identity and intentions are cowards.   They know you would never willingly accept their poison if you had all the facts.  The poison is buried beneath many layers of sugar.  A plan is devised to reshape your thinking.    

They attempt to nudge you behind the curtain of anonymity. As usual, they assume you are too stupid to ask the right questions so they will arrange the questions and answers for you.  This protects them while they nudge, push and eventually shove you in their direction.

It’s really comical when you break it down.  They want you to accept poison in a pretty package from an anonymous sender.  Look at all the tricks and magic shows they perform to chip away at a very basic principle; never take candy from a stranger.

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.”

Albert Einstein


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