We The People

We The People

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

King of Deception

By Tammy Derouin

The evidence continues to grow.  It should serve as transparent proof of why there needs to be a thorough investigation into the background of anyone who runs for president of the United States.  I would say the executive has turned his back on the United States but he has been destroying everything American from the moment he entered the White House. I don’t feel it was ever his intention to preserve or protect the United States.

Life experiences including what we are taught and exposed to, shape and mold us into who we become as individuals.  Electing someone to the highest office without crucial information leads us down a path of destruction.  Religion and ideology are important.  When people go to great length to hide their principles, they are hiding their true colors. 

One of the most difficult transformations to witness has been the transformation of the American people. The master of illusion has convinced so many Americans they are stupid and not capable of taking care of themselves.  For well over 200 years, before the king of deception came to power, Americans were proud to be self-reliant and were capable of independent thought.  Most did not want to accept government assistance even during dire times.  Look at the faces in photos from the depression era.  Americans wanted to work.  They didn’t want assistance.  Today, many consider government assistance an entitlement, including non-citizens.

The king of deception has also worked his magic on independent thought.   He has spent years insisting that government knows best.  Individuals aren’t capable of making their own decisions.  Parents aren’t capable of making decisions for their children.  After so many years of successful, independent living, Americans now need to be led by the hand or with a cell phone dangled in front of them.  Either way, he has decided that America will comply with his ideology or face consequences.

There was a time, not that long ago, when Americans would have recognized a fraud, a hoax, a scam and the double-crosser.  Once the evidence would begin to surface, such an individual would be called out and forced to explain his actions.  Once upon a time there were consequences.  Traditionally, Americans have had a problem with being swindled.  But, that was before we were told our history and traditions would change.  Americans have changed.  We are now afraid of own government.

We have been allowing the government to corral us.  We have moved from independent living and thinking to willingly accepting enslavement as the government eagerly takes more control of our life.
It’s now racist to call our enemy our enemy.  It’s racist to call a criminal a criminal.  We apparently suffer from some type of government created phobia if we want to protect our borders, defend our home and keep the enemy as far away as possible.  Our government, our so called leader, is doing everything he can to convince us that our enemy really isn’t our enemy.  What does that make him?  
More barbaric actions by Islamic extremists were released this past week. Much time and detail surrounded the planned execution of the Jordanian pilot.  Large TV’s screens were set in place so people could watch and cheer as the pilot was tormented and burned alive.  The Jordanian response was swift.  They immediately killed two prisoners in retaliation.

What was the American response?  The executive spoke at the National Day of Prayer.  He slapped every Christian, every American in the face.  He pointed out that people have committed atrocities in the name of Christ.  He went back 500 to 1,000 years to find most of his examples. The inconvenient truth which he conveniently forgot to mention was that the Crusades were a defensive measure against Islamic extremists. 

The message he is sending is transparently clear, he will not identify the enemies of the United States.  They are not his enemies.  He will continue to invite them into our country and into our White House.  He has opened our borders to anyone who wishes to enter and provides transportation for their relocation throughout our country.  He has blatantly displayed acts of disloyalty against the United States.  He disregards the Constitution, weakens our defenses and blames America for everything.

I never thought I would see the day when America or the president of the United States would be a submissive weakling.  Jordan and Canada as well as other non-super power countries have displayed more courage to take a stand against Islamic extremists than our executive.  But at this point it shouldn’t be a surprise.  He has done exactly what he set out to do. 

“Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.” 

Barack Hussain Obama 

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